Retail is Detail.Small businesses on Main Street USA have been struggling for decades, due to the emergence of big box and discount retailers and the proliferation of urban sprawl. Retail is Detail is a business assistance program developed by Boulevard Strategies to offer small independent retail, food and service-based businesses intensive one-on-one technical support.
Technical Assistance Program
The Retail is Detail program was developed to help independent retailers and food service operators better understand and implement effective business, marketing and merchant practices. Specifically, the program is designed to help improve sales revenues, create job growth, and to improve the community's "Main Street" image, environment and competitive position within the regions that they operate.
Our services provide small independent businesses with a comprehensive understanding and proven recommendations regarding:
Participating Communities
In partnership with the JobsOhio, the Ohio Development Services Agency, Heritage Ohio's Main Street Program and the USDA, Boulevard Strategies has implemented the Retail is Detail program with 86 businesses within the following 22 Ohio Communities.